How To Deal With Thyroid Health Conditions Seminar

Wednesday, September 30th, at 6:00pm EDT
Parker Nutritional Healing Center
4343 W Henderson Blvd #180, Tampa, FL 33629
Here’s what we will talk about:
The thyroid is one of most misdiagnosed and mistreated conditions in healthcare today.
It also one of the most important glands needed for your body to feel well.
In this seminar you will learn the latest science and findings about why thyroid malfunction is becoming an epidemic in our country and what you can do to help it or avoid this malfunction.
Most thyroid malfunction is not primary, it is caused by some other malfunction in the body.
Nine (9) lab tests should be done to properly evaluate your thyroid function to determine what is causing the malfunction, most providers look at just two (2).
Learn the most most common cause of thyroid dysfunction and what you can do to get better.
You will also learn the 6 most common patterns and causes of thyroid malfunction, all of which are caused by other malfunctions in the body.
This webinar is a must if you suffer with one or more of the following symptoms, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, cold fingers or toes, constipation, weight gain or difficulty losing weight, depression/lack of motivation, dry skin, hair, or nails, brain fog, sleep issues, heart palpitations, nervousness, etc.
And …………..
- How a simple survey can pinpoint where your body is breaking down
- Why your Doctor says your lab values are normal when they really ARE NOT
- Learn the “Web of Dysfunction” that pinpoints the areas of your body that aren’t working properly
- Why doctors do not run complete blood tests
- Understanding the many patterns of what is causing your symptoms
- What progressive tests must be done and why
- How to know what supplements are going to create healing
- Non-Drug Solutions for chronic conditions
- Natural solutions to correct your health problems.
This SEMINAR will allow a greater understanding of what needs to be addressed in your health recovery and how to systematically heal the body.
Give us a call now to schedule for our life changing seminar! 813-254-5200
Parker Nutritional Healing Center
4343 W Henderson Blvd #180, Tampa, FL 33629